Model of joint development of platform solutions for the critical infrastructure establishment in the field of education

Model of joint development of platform solutions for the critical infrastructure establishment in the field of education

Organizers: Platform of the National Technological Initiative (NTI Platform), ROBBO, AO.

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 9

Moderator: Ilya Alexandrovich Dinerstein, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROBBO, AO


Abdul Razak Ahmad, Malaysian Ministry of Education;

Sayyid Sarkar, Director of the Institute for Advanced Medical Research, Tehran Institute of Medical Sciences;

Reza Sajadi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ilia High Tech;

Rinawati Preatiningsih, G20 Co-Chair, Indonesia;

Airat Fayridovich Khasyanov, Vice-President for Digital Transformation, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI;

Orlova Lyubov Yurievna, T1 Department of Strategic Projects

Minasyan Sergey Davidovich, Director for Development of Special Projects at IQ. Academy.

Main theses of the session:

The participants of the section discussed the development of various digital platforms in the field of education. They unanimously agreed that the best option in the modern world is to use the principle of open technology (Open Source) in the digital infrastructure of the education system. This eliminates external risks associated with the possible imposition of sanctions or the termination of the developer-company, as well as brings significant financial savings to customers.

Apart from all, this approach makes it possible to reach a large audience of students and holds prospects for further improvement of the educational infrastructure. During the meeting of the section, the participants got the opportunity to acquaint with the experience of the Russian company ROBBO in the development of software and hardware for teaching robotics. Representatives of other companies also expressed their views on the development of digital educational systems.

The Iranian experience in the development of nanotechnology was presented at the section. In particular, special attention in Iran is paid to practical experience in the development and use of nanomaterials, the students’ Nanoclub program is in operation, 83 nanolaboratories have been established, and an Olympiad in nanotechnology have been held for 14 years already. About 1.5 million people have been trained under the program. Cooperation with other countries is developing. The importance of using digital platforms in ensuring the availability of education in poor countries, as well as the development of women's education, was emphasized during the meeting.