Kazan Halal Market was opened

Kazan Halal Market was opened

Открытие международной халяль.png
Rustam Minnikhanov, Head of the Republic of Tatarstan, and high guests of KazanForum took part in the opening ceremony.

"Today the world market of halal products is developing very dynamically. Only in Tatarstan there are more than 100 producers of halal products. It is gratifying that these goods are actively exported to near and far abroad countries.

Halal fair in Tatarstan is a good tradition, which allows its participants to establish new trade spheres. Today there is a rich choice of various products from the regions of Russia, as well as from other countries. I would like to wish the participants of the fair productive work, guests - successful purchases, bright impressions", - said Rustam Minnikhanov.