Russia-Qatar Business Dialogue

Russia-Qatar Business Dialogue

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An important step for the development of economic ties between Russia and Qatar would be the creation of a preferential trade regime. This was stated by Pavel Kalmychek, Director of the Department for the Development of Bilateral Cooperation of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

He said that the Russian side is interested in joint preparation of a free trade agreement.

"At the end of last year, the volume of trade in goods between Russia and Qatar increased by 4.3% (+3.79 million dollars) to 91 million dollars. US DOLLARS. Unfortunately, the volume of our trade in goods and services is small. We aim to diversify mutual trade," Kalmychek noted.

"Qatari financial companies are already investing in Russia, and I invite all representatives of the Russian Federation to cooperate in the field of modern technologies. <...> Over the last 5 years, more than 5 billion rubles have been invested in technology, in agriculture," said Qatar's representative Sheikh Suheim Bin Ahmed Bin Sultan Bin Jassim Al Thani, CEO of Al Adid Business.