Film Production as a Driver of Regional Economic Development

Film Production as a Driver of Regional Economic Development

Organiser: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tatarstan

Venue: Hall 14, International Exhibition Centre Kazan Expo, Kazan

Time: May 18, 2023, 14:00–15:20

Moderator: Ivan Kudryavtsev, journalist and producer, member of the Guild of Film Experts and Film Critics of the Filmmakers’ Union of Russia, academician of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences


Dmitry Davidenko, Head of Cinematography and Digital Development Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, producer, film expert;

Taalaibek Kulmendeev, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers, Kyrgyzstan;

Nazim Huseynov, Director of the “Azerbaijanfilm” studio named after Jafar Jabbarli;

Mohammed Tahsin Nazim, film producer, founder and co-owner of Indian Films (Russia), Zakaria Entertainment (India), Doctor of Neurosurgery, India;

Viktor Vasiliev, Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus, Republic of Belarus;

Dmitry Yakunin, Deputy Executive Director of the Regional Cinema Support Fund of the Union of Cinematographers of Russian Federation;

Andrey Mikhalev, General Director of Mikhalev Production Centre LLC.

One of the critical objectives of the cultural policy of a state is to carry on the ethical, spiritual and moral guidelines for new generations. Integration into cultural activities helps to enroot in people respect for the heritage and traditions of their country, promotes spiritual development, national self-determination, consolidation of the society, develops citizens as independently thinking creative personalities with mindset based on the full use of the national cultural potential. An important role in this context belongs to the development of national cinema that is responding to both internal ethnic and global cultural challenges.

In his welcome speech to the session, Head of Cinematography and Digital Development Department of the Russian Ministry of Culture Dmitry Davidenko noted that recent years were marked with a notably growing interest to national cinematography, and the support of regional cinema is one of priority tasks. “I’m deeply convinced that regions is there, where the majority of creative talents are concentrated. All most interesting things happen in the regions. Therefore, we will develop this direction. The future lies in regional cinematography, rather than exclusively in the industry of megacities.” he stressed.

Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of Kyrgyzstan Taalaibek Kulmendeev told that the development of joint projects with foreign companies is supported in Kyrgyzstan at the state level. According to the adopted concept of Kyrgyzstan as an open filming site, the country is freely open to foreign partners for shooting all year round.

Director of the “Azerbaijanfilm” studio named after Jafar Jabbarli Nazim Huseynov told about the joint film projects implemented with the regions of Russia, and noted that the main area is documentary filmmaking. He also outlined the problems specific to co-production. After the breakup of the USSR, differences in legislation create obstacles in legal and financial matters.

Founder and co-owner of Russian-based Indian Films and Indian-based Zakaria Entertainment companies Mohammed Tahsin described the cinema industry of India. The average project budget in this country is 1 billion rupees, half of which being the movie stars’ fees, though these expenses pay off within 2–3 weeks. The Indian cinema industry started to develop when banks began to lend it money and provide insurance coverage, and private investing was launched without reliance on would-be state support. “Cinematography is a real business and huge money.” Mohammed Tahsin added. Filmmaking in India enjoys tax refunds, but financial assistance from the state is insignificant.

Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Vasiliev noted that the cinematographic culture of Russia had a great influence on the development of Belarusian cinema. Great attention is paid to joint projects with Russia.

Dmitry Yakunin, Deputy Executive Director of the Regional Cinema Support Fund of the Russian Union of Cinematographers, stressed that regional cinema contributes to the development of tourism, new jobs, and economic growth. He also announced “The New Vector”, a regional cinema forum scheduled to be held this summer in Kaliningrad and Svetlogorsk.

General Director of Mikhalev Production Centre LLC Andrey Mikhalev presented “Tugan Batyr”, the project for a national hero promotion. He said that the volume of digital content is constantly growing, and they launch a project that is interesting for children and conveys traditional values.