Russia – Iran Business-Dialogue

Russia – Iran Business-Dialogue

Venue: Kazan

Time: May 18, 2023, 14:00–15:20

Organiser: The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation

Moderator: Sergey Katyrin, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


Gholam Hossein Shafei, President of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mining and Agriculture;

Alireza Peyman-Pak, Head of the Trade Development Organization of the Republic of Iran;

Hadi Tizhoush Taban, President of the Iran-Russia Joint Chamber of Commerce;

Timur Khakimov, President of the Chamber of Commerce Union of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Leonid Lozhechko, Chairman of the Russian-Iranian Business Council;

Vladimir Platonov, President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Sergey Rybakov, General Director of “RIMS” SB LLC;

Shamil Ageev, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Russian-Iranian relations have now reached a new stage of development. According to experts, in the next five years the trade turnover between Russia and Iran can reach $40 billion. Prerequisites exist for the expansion of cooperation in almost all areas: from agriculture to high tech, from energy to mechanical engineering, textiles and tourism. Mutual investing, joint work in special economic zones, and interregional cooperation have a great potential. At present, amid the new international economic realities, the Russian market opens up with the new cooperation opportunities for friendly countries.

Speaking as a moderator of the session, the President of the Russian CCI Sergey Katyrin said: “It would be great to outline all sensitive moments at the level of our governments. We identify problems together with the business community. And, notably, Iranian and Russian entrepreneurs face similar challenges. One of the key tasks for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to convey the message about the capabilities of our partners so that entrepreneurs in Iran and in Russia alike would know about each other.”

The President of the Iranian CCI Gholam Hossein Shafei noted that Russia and Iran have a favourable geostrategic position for mutually beneficial cooperation at the intersection of important transit routes from North to South and from West to East. The cooperation of Iran and Russia has a great potential in almost every sphere of economy, mutual investing, and joint work in free economic zones. Being one of the most developed regions of Russia, the Republic of Tatarstan is of great importance for the cooperation with Iran in such industries as automotive, petrochemical, etc. The CCI of Iran welcomes any mutually beneficial development of economic relations.

The head of the Trade Development Organization of the Republic of Iran Alireza Peyman-Pak stressed that our countries need to raise awareness about the potential of cooperation in various spheres of business. In particular, Iran has a developed pharmaceutical industry and is ready to export technologies and equipment for drug manufacturing. A memorandum on the establishment of the Russian-Iranian Business Cooperation Council was signed on November 30, 2022 in St. Petersburg between the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran. Cooperation with VTB Bank is developing, correspondent accounts have been opened between the banks of Iran and Russia, as well as credit facilities for mutually beneficial partnership. There is also notable progress of cooperation in the field of agriculture; deliveries of Russian agricultural products to Iran have begun.

The President of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Bashkortostan Timur Khakimov informed that this body is an affiliated member of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (ICCIA). The Islamic Chamber is a subsidiary of the OIC that has 57 member states (the second largest membership after the UN).

According to the Chairman of the Russian-Iranian Business Council Leonid Lozhechko, Iran is an important partner for Russia regardless of the global political situation. In the current circumstances, its role has increased, the volumes of export and import grew by 22% and 14% accordingly. Leonid Lozhechko stressed the potential for trade exchange expansion with the development of the joint Russian-Iranian Anzali Free Trade Zone that shall facilitate logistics within the framework of the International North-South Transport Corridor project.

The President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vladimir Platonov emphasized that, besides the development of joint business projects, attention shall be paid to cooperation in the sphere of education; academic exchange and training in entrepreneurship shall be promoted.

The General Director of “RIMS” SB LLC Sergey Rybakov stressed that a single insurance protection shall be provided for the Iranian and Russian businesses. According to him, settlement of losses is the key problem. Synergy through the mechanism of reinsurance is needed. He also highlighted the problem of recognition of Russian and Iranian documents.