Sources of technology. What opportunities does innovative infrastructure offer for start-ups?

Sources of technology. What opportunities does innovative infrastructure offer for start-ups?

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 9

Time: 18.05.2023, 11:40-13:00

Organizer: Skolkovo Foundation

Moderator: Lina Abu Muh Zoabi, Head of International Cooperation, Skolkovo Foundation


Ruslena Ramli, Director of Digital Finance and Islamic Digital Economy, Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation;

Dawood Al Shezawi, President of the UAE Annual Investment Forum;

Mikhail Yuryevich Makarov, Director of the International Relations Office, ASI;

Anna Valeryevna Vitina, Executive Director of MIP Greenbar.

Global markets are going through a turbulent time with increased uncertainty and ever more tight restrictions, the situation which requires quick response and adaptability. However, any crisis always involves prospects as well – emerging technological solutions in the world market open windows of opportunity. Russian companies are actively looking for new profitable niches. Now, more than ever, the potential for cooperation with the OIC states is being revealed.

In this respect, one of the key areas of activity for domestic companies is the expansion of cooperation with countries and international organizations of the Islamic world. The commitment to expand the influence, develop products and solutions, increase profits, and capture new markets - all this requires a competent change in the investment strategy, understanding of differences between Russian and foreign markets, as well as a combination of infrastructural and technological tools for business support. Development institutions become the core around which the scientific potential, entrepreneurial efforts and capital are consolidated.

Dawood Al Shezawi, the President of the Annual Investment Forum in the UAE, said that the Fund is a platform for startups for the purpose of smart cities development. The speaker announced the possibility of collaborating in the digital field. He highlighted the issue of the human resource importance, and said that his Fund is in a permanent search for talented people from all over the world who have ideas regarding the investment projects development.

Ruslena Ramli, Director of Digital Finance and Islamic Digital Economy, the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, stressed that Indonesia is the largest halal market in the world. There is a lot of interest towards the Islamic banking and finance. The possibilities of collaboration with Russian Islamic banking were discussed.

Mikhail Makarov, Director of the International Relations office of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, said that the Agency was established to improve business climate in the country, as an additional mechanism to help young and promising people implement their ideas and projects.

Anna Vitina, Executive Director of the small innovative enterprise Greenbar, introduced a startup producing the 5th generation vertical farms, which represent closed automated modules applying the Artificial Intelligence in their operation process. The individual farms are linked through a central platform and act as one, creating the largest urban farm consuming 95% less water, 75% less fertilizers, and zero amounts of chemical pesticides.