Electronic engineering industry in the context of global challenges: prospects and ways of cooperation in OIC countries

Electronic engineering industry in the context of global challenges: prospects and ways of cooperation in OIC countries

Organizer: University of Innopolis, ANO VO

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 12.

Time: 18.05.2023, 17:20–18:40.

Moderator: Svetlana Sergeevna Legostaeva, General Director, ANO of Radio-Electronic Industry Development “Computer Engineering Consortium”


Shaikhutdinov Roman Aleksandrovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Ivantsov Ilya Gennadievich, President of Element, AO;

Pozhidaev Nikolai Nikolaevich, President of Sitronics Group;

Maksimov Evgeniy Viktorovich, Director for Ecosystem Development and Educational Initiatives, YADRO;

Stepanov Evgeny Vitalyevich, General Director, ICL - KPO VS, AO

The global market of microelectronics is on the verge of significant changes caused by the emerging changes in the system of international distribution of electronic components production and reformatting of integration links in the chain of technological processes evolving over decades. Ensuring import substitution in the field of electronics and microelectronics is one of the priority tasks for Russia, considering the current realities and global challenges faced by manufacturers and importers of microelectronics and computer technology. Strengthening cooperation with the OIC countries in this area is of particular interest, primarily in terms of coordinating joint efforts to conduct research in the field of advanced technologies and increase the investment attractiveness of scientific and technical projects and developments.

Roman Shaikhutdinov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan told how the electronic industry is developing in the region. Several sites are being developed in the republic: the Innopolis SEZ, a network of IT parks, Khimgrad, which enable to develop human capital and create new technological tools for the economy and production. This year ICL plans to launch the annual production of motherboards in the amount of up to 200,000 units.

Roman Aleksandrovich singled out three directions for the development of production related to computer systems in Tatarstan: human capital, infrastructure development, and the search for ways to attract and retain IT manufacturers through regional support measures.

Ilya Ivantsov, President of Element, AO, emphasized the importance of microelectronics promotion for the development of the state. Russia needs full-cycle microelectronics, governing the entire information infrastructure. It is necessary to develop international cooperation in such areas as joint design centers establishment, joint R&D sites, and production process. In future, Tatarstan may become an international center for microelectronics.

Nikolai Pozhidaev, President of Sitronics Group spoke about the company's developments in the field of electric propulsion, navigation systems, shipbuilding projects, and developments in the field of space. The group of companies participates in solving the issues of import substitution, focusing on its own developments for the digital transformation of key sectors of the economy and the public sector. This year, it is planned to launch its own satellites and build a ship powered by hydrogen. Products are conceived and developed as global in the world market. The speaker stressed that the cooperation of IT companies within the Islamic world is becoming basic for the idea.

Evgeny Stepanov, General Director of ICL - KPO VS, noted that the company is one of the three largest manufacturers of computer equipment in Russia, the volume of production in 2022 increased by 2 times. As part of the joint project with the SEZ Innopolis, it is planned to create a large-scale ecosystem for the production of electronics in the Republic of Tatarstan. There is a shortage of personnel in the industry, particularly, not enough specialists in the field of physics, chemistry, technology, materials science and engineering, etc. The country should create and support consortiums for training of such personnel.