Республика Татарстан
Республика Татарстан

The Republic of Tatarstan is a leading in social and economic development region of the Russian Federation, including Islamic economy.

Казанский Федеральный Университет
Казанский Федеральный Университет

As part of the XV International Economic Forum “Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum”, the Festival of Oriental Cultures will be held from May 15 to 17 at the Kazan Expo IEC.

The Institute of International Relations of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, as one of the main centers for popularizing the culture of the Arab world and the countries of the East in our country and the cultural peoples of the Russian Federation in the countries of the Islamic world, holds this Festival with the support of the Investment Development Agency of the Republic of Tatarstan with the participation of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran . .

This event is aimed at stimulating the creative activity of the youth of the Russian Federation and broadening their horizons. It should be noted that in the process of organizing and holding the festival, students learn to work in a team, make decisions and, interacting, cope with assigned tasks; get acquainted with Arab and Islamic traditions, customs and cultural characteristics, reflecting the ideas of spirituality, humanism and tolerance. In the process of such work, the personal responsibility of each participant is formed, the principles of problem-solving and creativity are implemented, and cognitive activity is activated.

Purpose of the event:

The purpose of this event is to instill interest among Russian youth in Arab and Islamic culture, traditions and customs; manifestation and development of their creative abilities; broadening your horizons.

Competitions among students:

It is expected that several teams (KFU students) will participate in the competition. The total number of participants is more than 100 people. Each represents one of the African countries.

Jury composition:

The festival jury includes Arabists from universities of the Russian Federation and the Near and Far Abroad (KFU, IV RAS, PSU, RII, Sultan Qaboos University (Sultanate of Oman), L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University (Republic of Kazakhstan)) and others. high-ranking guests from Arab countries.

Festival events:

The festival includes the following competitions:

1. Photo exhibition “The Arab World Through My Eyes.”

2. Wall newspaper competition.

3. Creative competition (song, dance).

4. Poetry competition.

5. Competition of scientific papers in Arab countries and Arab countries.

6. Video competition in Arab countries.

Among the festival events are lectures by leading orientalists V. A. Kuznetsov on the topic “Russian-Islamic world in the era of global transformation” and S. A. Tuleubaeva “Modern requirements for translation from/to Arabic”, exhibition of the Yemeni artist Nasser Sanad “Arab World” , master classes on “Oriental henna patterns”, on Arabic and Persian calligraphy, on Arabic headdress, presentation of the Al-Hadara Center for Arabic Culture and the “Arabic board game Bai”.

Гузэлем Guzelem

The Guzelem chain of stores has been operating since 2018. Engaged in the manufacture and sale of modest clothes, as well as shawls, scarves, turbans


Yamaguchi is a global healthcare company that aims to design your life. We are the experts at massage and fitness equipment. Our mission is to foster a love of health. We have introduced various innovative technologies of our time. Each of our product displays exceptional design excellence combined with top of the line user experience.


The chain of Tatar cuisine restaurants Tubatay, inspired by the bounty of the local land, the richness of fields, forests and meadows of Tatarstan, introduces guests and residents of the region to Tatar cuisine, reveals the beauty of local nature through flavors.

Welcome to the gastronomic capital of Russia!


At the International Economic Forum: “Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024”, IAIB will work together at one stand together with the Malaysian company “GISB HOLDING SDN BHD”, which is participating for the first time at “KazanForum 2024” and in Russia in general.

The following companies - members of the MAIB will be represented at the stand:

- Soyuzpischeprom LLC

- Arabeska LLC

- Uniblockchain LLC

- Nur Finance LLC

- Umma Invest LLC

- LLC "House of Amana"

- A trading platform for wholesale buyers and sellers "Kibet.pro "

"GISB HOLDING SDN BHD": represented by the following companies:


Industries SB,

Travel&Tours SB, Bakery, Restaurant&Catering SB,

Mart SB,

Distributor SB

Азиатский продовольственный форум
Азиатский продовольственный форум

The Asia Food Forum - Empower the food industry

Proudly presents the Afghanistan Halal Product Pavilion at the esteemed Russia Halal Expo 2024 in Kazan City. As a leading advocate for promoting Halal products globally, the Asia Food Forum strives to showcase a diverse array of high-quality and authentic Halal products from Afghanistan. Our pavilion serves as a platform for Afghan businesses to exhibit their finest Halal offerings, ranging from premium food items to exquisite artisanal goods.

At the Asia Food Forum pavilion, visitors can explore a wide range of Halal-Afghan products, including traditional Afghan delicacies, organic produce, spices, beverages, and more. Each product exemplifies the rich culinary heritage and cultural diversity of Afghanistan, offering a unique and immersive experience for attendees.

In addition to product showcases, the Asia Food Forum pavilion will host interactive sessions, networking opportunities, and business matchmaking events. Visitors can engage with industry experts, government officials, and business leaders to learn about the latest trends, innovations, and investment opportunities in Afghanistan's Halal industry.

Furthermore, the Asia Food Forum is committed to promoting bilateral trade and fostering collaborations between Asian countries and international markets. Through our participation in the Russia Halal Expo, we aim to strengthen ties, forge new partnerships, and facilitate trade exchanges that benefit both Asian businesses and global consumers.

Kara Development Network
Kara Development Network

The Kara Development Network showcases the organization's commitment to working for youth engagement, capacity building, education, and health. The features information on the various programs and initiatives implemented by the organization to empower young people, enhance their skills and knowledge, and improve their overall well-being. Visitors can learn about the different projects and activities aimed at promoting youth participation in community development, providing educational opportunities, and promoting health and wellness. And also highlights the impact of Kara Development Network's work in creating positive change and building a brighter future for young people.

Группа компаний «Новый Сухопутный Зерновой Коридор»
Группа компаний «Новый Сухопутный Зерновой Коридор»

The New Land Grain Corridor Group of Companies announces the launch, under the same-name program, at the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan of a specialized grain logistics facility

– a Grain Hub with a capacity of 8 million tons for consolidation and regular year-round grain supplies within the logistics model “Grain+” using the “Land Grain Fleet”.

"Land Grain Fleet” includes specialized containers for transportation of grain cargos for export, and for transportation of consumer goods, auto components and other components for manufacturing companies of the Republic of Tatarstan for import.

The cargo base is a grain cargo from the Republic of Tatarstan and the regions of the Volga Federal District, consolidated at the Grain Hub. Target markets for grain supplies are China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran and others.

Return cargo in the amount of up to 200 thousand TEU per year will be delivered to regional transport and logistics centers, with what the Grain Hub will work in technological connection and partnership.


Damate Group is a Russian agricultural holding, a major category expert in the niche protein markets, also engaged in dairy farming, and genetics. Damate offers a wide range of meat products, including turkey, duck and lamb.Most of the company's production facilities have no analogues in Russia in terms of technological equipment and the number of implemented innovative solutions. The company pays special attention to the issues of biological and sanitary production safety and product quality.Damate Group is the Russian leader in turkey and duck meat production. In 2023 the company produced 238 thousand tons of turkey meat and 18,6 thousand tons of duck meat.At the end of 2018, Damate started a new business – lamb production. The company plans to produce up to 25 thousand tons of products per year. In 2021 Damate opened the largest in Europe turkeyn further processing plant, which produces up to 95 thousand tons of ready-to-eat products per year. Damate produces meat with Halal certificates from ICSC Halal, GulfTIC-ICSC and SFDA Halal Center that complies with modern safety and quality standards.

ООО «ТД Черкизово»
ООО «ТД Черкизово»

Acquaintance with the halal assortment of the leader of the meat industry of the country Cherkizovo for the HoReCa market

The product and Cherkizovo production sites producing halal products will be shown on the screen.

For those who want to get to know the assortment in more detail, the brand chef will prepare products in the author's execution.

ИХЛАС – бриллиант чистой воды
ИХЛАС – бриллиант чистой воды

Ikhlas brand drinking water in 0.5l bottles will be presented at the stand. Visitors will be able to get acquainted with the products, get advice from our specialists and taste the water.

We invite everyone to visit our stand and learn more about Ikhlas drinking water!

Мингер Мед Спа
Мингер Мед Спа

The Healing Hotel is located in the heart of Tatarstan, surrounded by forests and cascading lakes.

Minger Med Spa is:

- Hotel 5*

- Medical center with author 's wellness programs

- Wellness center with programs "Detox" and "Ease of movement. Kinesio Plus"

- House rentals

- SPA complex

This unique place with crystal clear air was created by nature itself for peace and recuperation


Our stand demonstrates CleverPark Global parking equipment and a set of license plate recognition cameras.

Our experts are looking forward to showing you:

— How our parking system, including entry and exit stations and automated parking payment machine, is designed;

— What functions it includes;

— How CleverPark software works;

— What is a control diagram and how it helps to control a parking space without specific skills;

— How a car is admitted to the parking facility upon recognizing its license plate.

«Федеральный  научно-производственный центр «Прогресс»
«Федеральный научно-производственный центр «Прогресс»

JSC FRPC Progress is an advanced scientific and production complex with a closed technological cycle, including a research design and technology institute, pilot production and testing laboratories.

The main area activity is the research, design and production of high–tech rubber-cord and rubber-technical structures.

JSC FRPC Progress holds a leading position in Russia in the design and manufacture of low-frequency pneumatic shock absorption and vibration isolation systems for mechanisms and equipment.

Straight-through and corner pipes of reduced rigidity are used as inserts into pipelines of ship systems, which significantly reduces vibration and noise of equipment and mechanisms.

Shock absorbers created on the basis of hollow rubber cord shells reduce the noise of machinery and equipment, and therefore these products are in demand by various industries.

The results of the company's intellectual activity are protected by more than 100 patents.

Группа компаний "MLK Group"
Группа компаний "MLK Group"

MLK Group is the largest milk processor in Russiamlk-group logoThe MLK Group group of companies combines three production sites for milk processing: the oldest GC plant in Udmurtia - the Uva-Moloko enterprise and two dairy plants in Tatarstan - Kasymovsky and Apastovsky.

The company specializes in the production of both traditional dairy products and fermented milk products, as well as the production of soft and processed cheeses, spreads and dry dairy products.

The group of companies owns dairy brands: "Milkovo", "Bareketle" and "Dairy Surname".

Агентство по государственному заказу Республики Татарстан
Агентство по государственному заказу Республики Татарстан

Unified Portal of Islamic Finance (ifhub.ru ) is a website that combines information and training materials and specific proposals from market participants into a single digital space.

The portal contains the following modules:

1. Knowledge base on this topic.

2. Integrator of partner financial products, which allows you to get acquainted with and use the available products of all market participants in a single window mode

3. The Investing section.

The section presents existing investment tools and investment projects

The trading platform according to the norms of Islamic finance (if.zakazrf.ru ) is a specific electronic trading platform, which has a Sharia Council in its structure and a trading system that complies with the principles of Islamic finance.

Торговый дом "Кама"
Торговый дом "Кама"

KAMA TYRES is a corporate brand. This is a modern Russian production with its own technological developments and a balanced portfolio of products and services. This is a Russian tire manufacturer, whose products are also in demand among consumers, like the products of the world's leading brands. KAMA TYRES has retained its own unique scientific and technological base, developed over 50 years of its history, and enriched it with technologies from world leaders in the tire industry. The synergy of new technologies, advanced equipment and accumulated experience in the production of tires for Russian roads and the climate allowed KAMA TYRES to create modern high-quality tires that are in demand by both ordinary motorists and global auto concerns.

Промышленный кластер Республики Татарстан
Промышленный кластер Республики Татарстан

The largest Industrial cluster of the Russian Federation.

The activity is aimed at developing interregional and international cooperation in the creation of innovative products. We unite more than 600 enterprises employing more than 120 thousand people, the total annual turnover exceeded 1 trillion rubles.

Main tasks:

- promotion of the enterprises' products outside the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation;

- attracting investments, federal subsidies, concessional financing in projects implemented by cluster members in the Republic of Tatarstan;

- technology transfer;

- opening of new production facilities outside the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation to bring the place of production closer to the place of sale.

The Industrial cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan has signed more than 500 agreements with the partners from 32 countries and 73 regions of the Russian Federation. There are more than 15,000 partners in Russia and abroad. We unite 24 industry committees.

Companies at the stand:

-RPE "Aviagaz – Soyuz+ (The gas industry)

-Inventive Production Center (Building Materials and Services)

-ZAVOD PROFTERMO (Mechanical Engineering / Automotive industry)

-Mechanical Engineering / Automotive industry (The medical industry)


-ROBOTIZED INDUSTRY (Automotive industry)

-PTK-Mezhregion (MECHANICAL Engineering, oil and gas industries)

-Synergy technology (Oil and gas industry)

-CHELNYLASER (Metalworking)

-RARITEK HOLDING (Automotive industry)

-RoElProm (Agricultural engineering)


-Kukmorskaya shveynaya fabrika (Light industry)

-Bars Shoe Company (Light industry)


-SLT-Additive technologies (MECHANICAL Engineering)

-Technix (Construction of engineering communications for water supply and sanitation, gas supply)

-Syntegra (Industrial construction)

Коллективный стенд Турецкой Республики (Discover Events)
Коллективный стенд Турецкой Республики (Discover Events)

Discover Events was established in 2012 by Yunus Ete who has experience in fair organizations. Adopting customer satisfaction as a principle in all its services, Discover Events is an international organizer with an important role in the Turkish export market.

Aksuvital Natural & Healthy Products Co. Herbal food supplements and bee products to maintain general body health. Natural food products (vinegar, pastes and teas) to maintain general body health.

KIRMIZIGUL COSMETICS We produce and export below products. Product Lines: hair styling wax, shampoo, hair spray, hair mousse, hair care serum, hair mask, hair cream conditioner, hair perfume, deodorant, powder wax, face and body scrub, after shave cream cologne, shaving gel, depilation wax, massage oil, face tonic, hair tonic, body splash cologne, cologne, lemon cologne, hair care oils, hair foam spray

TAMIRA FOODS As passionate biscuit makers, we’re excited to introduce you to our product, featuring delightful fruit-filled biscuits and cream filed biscuits

Asya Bayrak Reklam Promosyon Sanayi Tic. Ltd. Şti. Outdoor flags, table flags, ındoor pennants, roll-up stand, salon flags and ceremony flag, telescopik and barriers, fringed pennants, string pennants flags, beach flags, banners, building flags, hand waving flags, barrier wrapping and scarf, calendar table sheet, pillow and kitchen apron

GLOBAL VITAMIN VE SAGLIK URUNLERI A.S d3 vitamin, omega 3, magnesium, fish oil, collagen, multivitamin, c vitamin, immune defence, d3k2 vitamin, selenium, premium cinseng, milk thistle plus, liposomal iron, 5-http complex, glucosamine chontroitin msm complex, oregano oil, saw palmetto, efervit multivitamin mineral, b12 vitamin