Artificial Intelligence - business maturity: real cases

Artificial Intelligence - business maturity: real cases

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 12.

Time: 18.05.2023, 10:00–11:20.

Organizers-partners: Innopolis University, ANO VO

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO

Moderator: Ramil Fuatovich Kuleev, Director of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Innopolis University, ANO VO


ChatGPT, a conversational AI chatbots, which supports a dialogue mode in natural language queries;

Adil Mehmood Khan, Head of the Laboratory for Machine Learning and Data Presentation, Innopolis University, ANO VO;

Ajit Abraham Padat, Professor of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence of Innopolis University, ANO VO;

Bukhanovsky Alexander Valerievich, Head of the Research Center “Strong AI”, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, FSAEI VO;

Kondratiev Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, Professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University), FSBEI VO

The penetration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology into business processes is growing worldwide. According to the international company McKinsey, in 2021, 56% of responding companies from around the world used AI in at least one area of activity; this figure has increased by 6% since 2020.

Adil Mehmood Khan, Head of the laboratory for machine learning and data presentation at Innopolis University, said that programs for manufacturing of unmanned devices are being successfully implemented in the laboratories of Innopolis. Today, the scientific community carries out discussions about the future of unmanned devices and the prospects for their application from a security point of view. According to statistics, the human factor is the cause of most accidents. Due to unmanned vehicles, it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of accidents, reduce the maintenance costs of transportation systems, and increase their carrying capacity. Innopolis laboratories have created a unique methodology which allows testing unmanned devices in terms of security using a hostile environment. We program our unmanned vehicles to work in dangerous conditions and play out various negative scenarios, build various defensive and security strategies.

Ajit Abraham Padat, Professor of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Innopolis University, noted that modern healthcare institutions are actively using artificial intelligence and telemedicine technologies to speed up the diagnosis and treatment processes. Today, the results of MRI, radiographs, and blood tests are successfully analyzed without engaging of medical personnel. An important advantage is a high level of data privacy. Due to artificial intelligence, great success has been achieved in cancer treatment, including leukemia. Artificial intelligence enables to see what is concealed from the human eye, to consider many diagnostic scenarios. As a result, it is possible to identify the oncological process, on average, 6 months earlier and increase the patient's life expectancy up to 3 years. However, the problem of distrust in artificial intelligence technologies on the part of the medical community still remains. Much effort is to be applied for a large-scale introduction of these technologies into practical medicine.

Alexander Bukhanovsky, Head of the “Strong AI” Research Center at ITMO, spoke about the applications development in the field of industrial tasks, which the university is engaged in. Over 5,000 licenses are issued every month to the clients for using applications, including more than a half of them - are issued abroad. Applications can facilitate the work of tasks in conditions of uncertainty, time pressure and multitasking. Among the promising software solutions of the Center are the development of mineral deposits, generative design, personnel search and recruiting.

Vyacheslav Kondratiev, MIPT Professor, noted that today the problem of large-scale introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in Russia still remains. The domestic corps of engineers, brought up in the old traditions, does not believe in new developments. The solution to the problem could be found in the modification, improvement of technical equipment, retraining of specialists, including the older generation.