Development of Closed-Loop Economy in OIC Countries

Development of Closed-Loop Economy in OIC Countries

Organizer and Partner: The Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Venue: Russia’s Kazan, Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center

Time: 10:00 a.m. local time (7:00 a.m. GMT) on May 16

Participants in the discussion included President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin, Head of the working group on organic fertilizers of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council for REZ&E Mikhail Melamed, Chairman of the General Libyan Union of Chambers Mohammed Rayed, Vice-President of Tehran Chamber of Commerce Mehdi Sadeghi Niaraki, Deputy Treasurer and Board Member of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce Akram El-Shafei, Head of the Department of Informatization in the Sphere of Waste Management under Russia’s Natural Resources and Environment Ministry Maria Kovalenko, Professor of the Department of Soil Science and Soil Ecology of the Institute of Earth Sciences of the St. Petersburg State University Alexander Popov.

Environmental issues, including waste recycling, production of organic fertilizers, and preservation of soil fertility, are among the most important issues for most countries. The participants in the event discussed the main areas of possible cooperation, as well as opportunities for developing joint projects and attracting investment. Combining efforts and best practices will help create a green economy, according to the speakers.

"The problem of ecology, the pollution of the planet today, in fact, sounds at the world level. It is important for all countries without exception. There are different ways to solve this problem: up to the fact that garbage is exported from one country to another for recycling, we know such examples. Unfortunately, in recent years, including in Russia, we have accumulated quite a lot of household and industrial waste that has not been recycled. <...> There is the problem of ecology, pollution, the problem of maintaining soil fertility, which is also quite a serious factor. And experts say that if no efforts are made, 90% of the fertile soils will cease to be such by 2050," President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergey Katyrin said.

Libya is ready to simplify a number of necessary procedures for investors targeting agricultural projects. "We are ready to simplify all procedures, including visas, so that we can establish cooperation in agriculture and other areas to create a green economy," Chairman of the General Libyan Union of Chambers Mohammed Rayed said.

"There are many discussions in Egypt about developing a closed-loop economy, the use and production of organic fertilizers - these are necessary conditions to ensure the sustainable development of a cleaner and healthier agriculture," Deputy Treasurer and Board Member of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce Akram El-Shafei added.

Another mechanism for developing a green economy could be to work on offset projects, not just environmental ones. "Colleagues from Libya said that there is a green project in the same oil energy. Here is a suggestion: these projects can be offset projects, not just climate projects," Head of the working group on organic fertilizers of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Council for REZ&E Mikhail Melamed pointed out.

The 15th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024" is being held on May 14-19 in Kazan. This year's keynote is "Trust and Cooperation." The main goal of the forum is to strengthen trade and economic, scientific and technical, social and cultural ties between Russian regions and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as to promote the development of the Islamic financial system institutions in Russia.