Extended program of the forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" has been published

Extended program of the forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" has been published

Screenshot at May 02 15-12-40.png The official website of the international economic forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" published an extended business program of the event. The key theme of the forum is "Trust and Cooperation".

"Today the forum "Russia - Islamic World" is the most important platform for strengthening ties with the countries of the Islamic economy. Russia together with Islamic countries share the same position on the formation of a fair and just multipolar world order based on the principles of international law. The development of multifaceted cooperation with the countries of the Islamic world also has an economic dimension, expressed in a multiple increase in trade turnover over the past year", - said Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" Marat Khusnullin.

The International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum" will be held in Tatarstan at the Kazan Expo IEC from May 14 to 19, 2024. Representatives of Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kuwait, Malaysia, Morocco, UAE, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and many others are expected to attend.

"Under the new economic realities, KazanForum is of strategic importance for our country. What is most valuable for Russian regions - within KazanForum domestic enterprises can expand their export opportunities. The forum platform actively attracts representatives of international business. This year the International Forum of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Islamic Countries and the Russian Export Center will hold their sessions here. Intergovernmental commissions will be held," said Rustam Minnikhanov, Head of the Republic of Tatarstan and Deputy Chairman of the KazanForum Organizing Committee.

The KazanForum business program will combine several thematic tracks: international cooperation, tourism, business, science and technology, Islamic finance and investment, sports, halal industry, etc. The program includes 125 thematic sessions with the participation of experts from Russian regions, countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other countries.

"The development of cooperation with Islamic countries is one of the strategic vectors of development today, capable of supporting the formation of a new model of international relations in a multipolar and at the same time sovereign for each country world. KazanForum is an applied platform for organizing interaction and competence exchange with the Islamic business community of foreign countries. The program of this year will be especially large-scale and will cover all aspects of interaction - from economy to culture, from diplomacy to education. The work will be organized at all levels, which means that new joint projects are ahead!" - noted Anton Kobyakov, Advisor to the President of Russia, Executive Secretary of the Organizing Committee.

Delegates will meet at sessions devoted to the development of multimodal transport corridors, tourism, export of Russian halal products, economic security, partnership financing, industrial, technological, educational and cultural projects and others. The B. Rameyev IT Park will host a meeting of the strategic vision group "Russia - Islamic World".

The program includes the X Kazan Forum of Young Entrepreneurs of the OIC countries, a forum of young diplomats of the OIC countries, presentations of startups, a tournament of young chefs and other events.

The plenary session will be held on May 17. Experts will discuss the prospects of interaction between Russia and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in various spheres and summarize the results of the forum.

As part of KazanForum, the Kazan Expo IEC will host the Russia Halal Expo international exhibition. On the margins of the forum will be held bilateral business meetings of buyers and distributors of halal products with the participation of 100 foreign specialists.

Kazan Halal Market, the largest halal trade fair in Russia, will open at the Kazan Agro-Industrial Park, where more than 4,500 products from leading manufacturers of the Islamic world will be presented.