District meeting of the Russian Export Center. On Russia’s strategic export development guidelines until 2030.

District meeting of the Russian Export Center. On Russia’s strategic export development guidelines until 2030.

Venue: special economic zone Innopolis

Date and time: May 14, 11:25.

The Q&A session On Russia’s Strategic Export Development Guidelines until 2030 was attended by: Russia’s Deputy Minister of Economic Development Dmitry Volvach, Director of International Cooperation and Licensing in Foreign Trade at Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade Roman Chekushov, Adviser to Russia’s Minister of Agriculture Andrey Sukharev, Adviser to the General Director of JSC Russian Railways Logistics - General Director of ANO Eurasian Agrologistics Alevtina Kirillova, and Head of the Competence Center for Halal Products and Services Marat Nizamov.

When it comes to building up export, the quality of the offered product is of the essence. In his statement, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Dmitry Volvach emphasized the importance of molding export development-minded personnel:

"Consumers are quickly adjusting to the new realities, and such an economy is to be serviced by new specialists trained by the most advanced companies. Young specialists pour all their energy and knowledge into profit, added value, new products and brands that are promoted to foreign markets."

"Colleagues, I think we need to look differently at the tasks we are facing today <...> It is very important to look at the structure: what elements of the export of goods, works and services we should rely on to grow and win in this global competition. We actually have everything in place to achieve these goals, we have world-class institutes and universities that are ready to go into the economy and provide the surplus product that is present in Russia," Dmitry Volvach said as he explained new approaches to the implementation of national projects.
Roman Chekushov, the Director of International Cooperation and Licensing in Foreign Trade at Russia’s Ministry of Industry and Trade, shared with the participants some plans for creating industrial infrastructure abroad until 2030, demonstrated the current support mechanism and provided the reasons for finding new export bearings:

"We all understand that over the past two years we were simply unable to maintain positive and systematic dynamics (for objective reasons). The trend was different, we saw that we had many special packages, restrictions on markets, restrictions on logistics and so on <...> An intensive development of export to the countries we do business currently is not enough to achieve the targets and tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation. It is simply impossible. There is no such capacity there. Therefore, of course, we need to increase volumes addressed to new markets. Without these we can't get anywhere".

The 15th international economic forum Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024 is taking place in Kazan from May 14 to 19. This year its key theme is Trust and Cooperation. The main goal of the forum is to strengthen trade and economic, scientific and technical, social and cultural ties between Russia’s regions and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as to promote the development of Islamic financial system institutions in Russia. –0--