Working session, titled The OIC as the Center of a New Multipolar World

Working session, titled The OIC as the Center of a New Multipolar World

Organizer: The Council of Young Diplomats at the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Academy of Youth Diplomacy

Venue: The Kazan Expo International Exhibition Center, Kazan

Time and date: May 15, 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.

Participants in the VIII Forum of Young Diplomats from countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held a meeting with Rais (President) of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The meeting was moderated by Konstantin Kolpakov, the chairman of the Council of Young Diplomats at the Russian Foreign Ministry, and Dilbar Sadykova, the chairperson of the Academy of Youth Diplomacy.
Delegates of diplomatic agencies from 20 countries, including Azerbaijan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Egypt, Indonesia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, and Chad, arrived in Kazan to attend the VIII Forum of Young Diplomats from countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

“Russia is the largest Eurasian power, a civilized state that has traditionally supported fair and mutually advantageous relations with Muslim countries. We are firmly united by a strong commitment to the cultural and civilizational identity of the peoples of the world, their natural right to safeguard their traditions and history, and to determine their own paths of development. We have consistently supported the course toward building a fairer, more democratic, multipolar world order based on the principles of the UN Charter,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a video address to participants in the Forum.

“It is a huge achievement that, despite all the difficulties, our country, Russia, where more than 20 million Muslims live, has the opportunity to have contacts, work and strive to satisfy all the needs and requests of our citizens who profess Islam. Despite the difficulties, we can see an increase in trade turnover and contacts. Unfortunately, we have not yet reached out to all OIC member countries. We need to work on this more actively. You, young diplomats, can be our guides in cooperation between countries,” Minnikhanov told the forum.

“Kazan by right has become the capital of youth diplomacy. The concept of horizontal diplomacy which was developed at our forums to establish informal venues for communication between young employees of foreign policy agencies from around the world is being implemented in Russia. By this we primarily mean countries that are friendly to Russia. That work resulted in the establishing of the International Association of Young Diplomats in 2022. And I invite everybody who has not yet joined the association to do so,” Koplakov said, addressing participants in the forum, as he remined them that the official ceremony will be held tomorrow, on May 16.

The business program of the VIII Forum of Young Diplomats started with a working session, entitled, The OIC as a Center of a New Multipolar World. The session moderated by Kolpakov was designed to discuss the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in the modern system of international relations and prospects of cooperation with Russia.

The speakers included Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Abdulhadi Lahweej, Chairman of the Eurasian Office of the OIC’s Youth Forum Elchin Askerov, Russian senator Alexander Terentyev, Third Secretary of the Department for Multilateral Humanitarian Cooperation and Cultural Relations at the Russian Foreign Ministry Diana Mazurova, Chairman of the Consultative Committee for the Affairs of Children and Youths of the Republic of Yemen Hussam Mustafa Sallam Qasim, and other prominent global diplomats and politicians.

“On the agenda is soft power which is responsible for the reputation of OIC member countries. The OIC itself and its agencies have the potential to run projects on soft power and the protection of interests of its members. I would like to note here that youths in OIC member countries have the necessary experience to promote key initiatives that can neutralize the effect of bias while paving the way for an alternative and objective vision of regions in the Islamic World,” Askerov said in his speech.
Also, pressing issues regarding the development of the OIC and strategies for cooperation in a new multipolar world were discussed. Forum participants highlighted the importance of international dialogue and joint efforts toward solving the latest global challenges.

The 15th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024" is being held on May 14-19 in Kazan. This year's keynote is "Trust and Cooperation." The main goal of the forum is to strengthen trade and economic, scientific and technical, social and cultural ties between Russian regions and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as to promote the development of the Islamic financial system institutions in Russia.