Presentation of the finalists' startups at a pitch session in front of experts (Young Entrepreneurs Forum)

Presentation of the finalists' startups at a pitch session in front of experts (Young Entrepreneurs Forum)

Organizer-partners: Ministry of Youth Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan, Eurasian Regional Center of the Youth Forum of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (ICYF-ERC), Tatarstan Republican Youth Public Foundation SELET and Academy of Youth Diplomacy.

Date and time: May 15, 13:00.

At the 15th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024", there was a presentation of startups in the field of information technology (including digital NFT diplomas for universities, the use of artificial intelligence in architecture and the use of crowdfunding opportunities), as well as in the field of sustainable development (in particular, short-term and long-term forecasts of changes in rivers and farmland, the "green economy") and other areas.

Among the experts who spoke at the pitch session there were: Science and Technology Advisor of the World Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) Muhammad Sharif, head of the Sabah.hub Business Incubation Department Jamal Rzaev, head of the national youth business program "Rosmolodezh. Business" Dmitry Litvin, Commissioner for Entrepreneurship Development in Kazan Mikhail Kuznetsov, EjadLabs CEO Arzish Azam, Shenasa VC international communications expert Gavimpour Reza Kaumleh, and director of the Digital Finance acceleration center Nargiza Kasimova.

"We will be exploring how creative entrepreneurs can utilize various technologies and digital tools for creating unique and engaging content. <...> Today you have all witnessed how activism and innovation can change the world for the better. I am certain that the projects that are presented here today will enjoy support and attention," said the session’s moderator Yekaterina Zarubina, entrepreneur and head of Provodnik projects.

"When I was in Dubai doing market research, I found a typical problem: labor is getting more and more expensive - warehouses are moving towards automation. We face three problems: bloated prices, unfriendly user interface and the need to hire a third-party program to integrate these solutions. We have developed <...> an automated task system <...> for pallet handling that can handle 1200 kg per pallet. <...> We can handle all types of existing pallets, it is an affordable solution that also offers seamless integration. We plan to deploy 300 systems within five years’ time," said Mahmoud Sabra, who presented a project for automating order fulfillment at the Derivative company's modern warehouses.

"We use food waste to cultivate a special type of mold. The biopolymer chitosan from this mold has high antimicrobial properties <...> - we can transform these substances into plant solutions, which extend the shelf life of products - for example, tomatoes. <...> We are reducing food waste significantly, eliminating the need for plastic packaging," Senat Tylym said about her Biopols project for new food storage technologies.

The experts highly appreciated the participants’ ideas and ways of their implementation.

The 15th International Economic Forum "Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum 2024" is being held on May 14-19 in Kazan. This year's keynote is "Trust and Cooperation." The main goal of the forum is to strengthen trade and economic, scientific and technical, social and cultural ties between Russian regions and the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), as well as to promote the development of the Islamic financial system institutions in Russia.