Presentation of investment opportunities of Russian regions for partners from OIC countries

Presentation of investment opportunities of Russian regions for partners from OIC countries

Organizer: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 5.

Time: 18.05.2023, 15:40–18:40.

Moderator: Khashiev Alikhan Beslanovich, Advisor to the Investment Commissioner in the Central Federal District, Investment Director of the Association “Central Federal District”


Kerefov Murat Anatolyevich, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation;

Sekachev Denis Georgievich, First Deputy General Director of the Corporation “Tourism.RF”;

Doroshenko Andrey Vasilyevich, Director of the Laboratory of Initiatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives;

Petrosyan Emil Vladimirovich, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow;

Muratov Rustam Khamitovich, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan - Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan;

Gadzhiev Mansur Salikhovich, Minister of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region;

Gorin Ivan Aleksandrovich, Acting Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Mordovia;

Krasnov Dmitriy Ivanovich, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic - Minister of Economic Development and Property Relations of the Chuvash Republic;

Vorobiyov Vasiliy Yuryevich, Head of the Department for Investments and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory;

Pytchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich, Minister of Economic Development of Kuzbass;

Tapaev Rustam Vakhayevich, Deputy General Director of Kavkaz RF, AO;

Faizutdinov Lenar Fanilevich, Deputy General Director of Dialog, ANO.

The Government of the Russian Federation considers investment growth as one of the most important economic priorities. In modern conditions, investments are becoming the most important means of ensuring the conditions for economic growth, introducing new technologies, improving the quantitative and qualitative indicators of economic activity at all levels. Investments are one of the most important factors for the sustainable development of regions. Presentation of investment opportunities of Russian regions for partners from OIC countries took place within the scope of KazanForum. The event was moderated by Alikhan Khashiev, Advisor to the Investment Commissioner in the Central Federal District, Investment Director of the Association “Central Federal District”.

The first speaker was Murat Kerefov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. In his speech, he stressed the importance for investors to receive a basic set of services in the regions, which will allow them to launch an investment project as quickly as possible. According to the speaker, the work to create a regional investment standard is underway; there are 5 collaboration tools within its scope: Investment and Development Agencies, whose main task is the one-stop shop principle; investment cards; investment declaration - obligations which guarantee the provision of state support measures; set of investment rules; investment committee.

Denis Sekachev, First Deputy General Director of the Corporation “Tourism.RF” presented the project “Tourist territory of Laishevo”. As it turned out, this kind of project is being implemented for the first time, and after its launch, it is expected that the tourist flow will reach 620,000 people a year. The speaker stressed that within the framework of the project, it is planned to create an entire tourism infrastructure: a hotel complex, a large number of swimming pools, a festival site, a beach club, fishing opportunities and much more.

Andrey Doroshenko, Director of the Laboratory of Initiatives of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, spoke about the activities carried out by the Agency in the direction of improving the investment climate. The Agency forms a comprehensive rating of the investment attractiveness of the regions together with the four largest business associations. The rating includes three sources of data: regional statistics, sociological research and expert evaluation of a number of indicators. This year it will be the tenth such rating presented.

The next participant, Emil Petrosyan, Deputy Head of the Department of Investment and Industrial Policy of the City of Moscow, noted in his speech that the city is actively developing infrastructure for business and investment, the urban environment is improving, and it enables to show a steady increase in investment in fixed assets during a number of years. “We started to develop the industry and we see a certain result. We are implementing mega-projects, such as the development of transport infrastructure, the development of a special economic zone, the integrated development of territories,” noted the speaker.

Further, within the scope of the session, the speakers made presentations of investment opportunities of the regions. The Republic of Bashkortostan was represented by Rustam Muratov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan - by Minister of Economic Development and Investment Policy of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Astrakhan Region - by Mansur Gadzhiev, Minister of Economic Development of the Astrakhan Region; Republic of Mordovia - by Ivan Gorin, Acting Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Mordovia; Chuvash Republic - by Dmitry Krasnov, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, Minister of Economic Development and Property Relations of the Chuvash Republic; Krasnodar Territory - by Vasiliy Vorobiyov, Head of the Department for Investments and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Krasnodar Territory; Kemerovo Region - by Konstantin Pytchenko, Minister of Economic Development of Kuzbass.

The representative of KAZKAZ.RF, AO, Deputy General Director Rustam Tapaev, said that the Corporation's activities are focused on two areas: support for investment projects and tourism infrastructure.

The speaker Lenar Fayzutdinov, Deputy General Director of Dialogue, ANO noted the special role of feedback in the organization of public administration and, in particular, the formation of the investment climate. “We regularly evaluate the correlation of various socio-economic ratings, investment attractiveness indices with the quality of work, with feedback in the regions and see that those regions which organize work with citizens in general, and investors in particular, in the most qualitative, most meaningful way, turn out to be among the leaders of investment ratings,” added the speaker.