Actual challenges in the field of machine tool technology and heavy engineering

Actual challenges in the field of machine tool technology and heavy engineering

Organizer: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 15

Time: 18.05.2023, 11:40-13:00

Moderator: Mayorov Sergey Vasilyevich, Chairman of the Board of the Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan


Jamaldinov Khairula Alibekovich, Head of the Department for the Development of the Machine Tool Industry, the Department of Machine Tool and Heavy Engineering, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia;

Lavrentyeva Anna Nikolaevna, Senior Vice President of NOVIKOMBANK, AO;

Dmitrenko Dmitry Valeryevich, Executive Director of YuZTS, OOO (Southern Plant of Heavy Engineering);

Kochetkov Oleg Aleksandrovich, General Director, StankoMashStroy, OOO;

Mayorov Sergey Vasilyevich, Chairman of the Board of the Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Peskov Oleg Borisovich, General Director of SteinBlock Group of Companies;

Valery Peskov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Steinblock, GC;

Nuriev Ildar Mukhamatnurovich, Director of Pegas, TPC

Development of domestic machine tool technology and heavy engineering is one of the most important tasks in Russia in the current conditions, when the import of industrial equipment is limited. The local machine tool park is especially urgent for the military-industrial complex, the aircraft industry, and the aerospace industry. Increasing the share of domestic products on the Russian market is a matter of strategic importance.

Khairula Dzhamaldinov, Head of the Department for the Development of the Machine Tool Industry, the Department of Machine Tool and Heavy Engineering of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, emphasized that technological sovereignty is impossible without the development of the machine tool industry. Today, the production of the most in-demanded means of production is organized on the territory of the Russian Federation, including turning, milling, grinding machine tools, equipment for metallurgy, hoisting and transportation mechanisms. The Russian machine tool industry and heavy engineering are actively developing. Over the past 3 years, the volume of production of machine tool products in Russia has grown by 50%, and in 2022 amounted to 63 billion rubles. Stable growth is also registered in the mining equipment industry, where the growth over 3 years was about 47%, which amounts to 107 billion rubles. In 2022, the volume of exports of machine tool industry and heavy engineering products amounted to 17.8 billion rubles.

Anna Lavrentyeva, Senior Vice President of NOVIKOMBANK, AO, noted that the machine tool industry has been going through a difficult period lately: this industry was being established and developed. With the departure of foreign manufacturers from the Russian market, new opportunities opened up for Russian manufacturers on the one part, but on the other, there occurred a shortage of equipment. Speaking of the measures to support the machine tool industry, Anna Lavrentyeva also suggested using a cooperation mechanism for manufacturing of products on the basis of long-term contracts at a fixed price and within the established deadlines, which could guarantee the demand for the products of the industry.

Dmitry Dmitrenko, YuZTS Executive Director, announced a list of critical machine tool products necessary to ensure the country's technological sovereignty: machining centers, large-sized high-precision equipment, high-precision finishing equipment, high-precision gear-cutting equipment, additive equipment, etc. The speaker named the main problems in the production of equipment in Russia: the high dependence of Russian manufacturers on the supply of electronic components and CNC, the small range and low quality of ball screws produced in Russia, the lack of Russian components, the poor cooperation ties, and others.

Oleg Kochetkov, General Director of StankoMashStroy, OOO, noted that since 2006 the machine tool industry has been actively developing in the Penza region. The first machine tool cluster in Russia was established in the region in order to localize production and import substitution of components. In the future, it is planned to develop the production line and enter the markets of Muslim countries.

Mayorov Sergey Vasilyevich, Chairman of the Board of the Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan, in his speech outlined the key role of the federal and regional levels of the government in supporting the development of the machine tool industry. At the initiative of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan, on July 16, 2022, a strategic session was held with the participation of the leadership of republican ministries, departments and enterprises, where the advisory groups were formed to develop a strategy for the development of the main and promising sectors of the Republic. Roadmaps were drawn up; the function of the project office was taken over by the Industrial Cluster of the Republic of Tatarstan

One of the successful examples of import substitution is the Steinblock Group of Companies, which manufactures equipment for the production of building materials, and which, in terms of their characteristics, are not inferior to the best world analogues. Valery Peskov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Steinblock Group of Companies, specified that at the moment the geography of product sales in Russia is quite extensive, the Company is considering the prospects for entering foreign markets.

Ildar Nuriyev, Director of Pegas, TPC noted that the volume of the world machine tool market is more than 122 billion dollars, over the past 20 years it has tripled, but, unfortunately, not in Russia. Whereas 25 years ago Russia was in the 1st place in the world regarding machine tool engineering, then at present it is only in the 25-30th place. In order to increase the production of machine tools in Tatarstan, a strategy for the development of the machine tool industry until 2025 has been developed. “TatPromStan”, the Association of Machine Tool Engineering of the Republic, was established uniting 14 companies. The ultimate goal is to acquire production base with an annual capacity of 500 machine tools, arrange own production of machine tools and reach their regular manufacturing, and attract at least 100 machine tool manufacturing companies. It is planned to create an engineering center.