Infrastructural conditions for the development of cooperation in the field of industry, transport and logistics between Russia and Turkmenistan

Infrastructural conditions for the development of cooperation in the field of industry, transport and logistics between Russia and Turkmenistan

Organizer: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 15

Time: 18.05.2023, 14:00-15:20

Moderator: Seyitugly Baiseidov, Deputy Chairman of “Turkmendenizderyayollary”, the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan


Mammetkhan Chakyev, General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan;

Ivanov Valentin Olegovich, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation;

Afanasyev Denis Aleksandrovich, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Astrakhan Region;

Bayramguly Tatov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Building Materials of Turkmenistan;

Khanifov Farit Mudarisovich, Minister of Transport and Road Facilities of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Nuriddin Azizi, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan;

Tsyganov Vasiliy Vitalyevich, General Director of VTK Kamaz, AO;

Gainetdinov Ruslan Shevkatovich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Entrepreneurship Development Corporation of the Ulyanovsk Region;

Allaguly Khudaiberdiev, Deputy General Director of “Railways”, AOOT of Turkmenistan

Mammetkhan Chakiev, General Director of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, in his speech noted that this session is a significant aspect in the development of the Russian-Turkmen partnership. The potential of Turkmenistan is huge, large investments are being made in the development of infrastructure. Turkmenistan plans to formally join the North-South International Transport Corridor (ITC) Agreement. The country is actively cooperating with Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries in this direction. Turkmenistan is especially actively cooperating with the Astrakhan region in Russia. “We signed a memorandum on the establishment of a logistics center in the special economic zone of the port in Astrakhan region,” said Mammetkhan Chakiev. “I am sure that this center will become an incentive for the growth of cargo transportation and the further development of the North-South corridor”.

Valentin Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation noted active cooperation with Turkmenistan in the field of cargo transportation. As compared to 2021, the total traffic volume in 2022 has increased by 40%. Export of goods to Turkmenistan has more than doubled. Close cooperation is being carried out within the framework of the North-South ITC. Regular transportation began in October 2022; in 2023 the volume of transportation is planned in the amount of 1 million tons, and in 2025 - 5 million tons. Russia sees great potential in attraction of Turkmenistan as a transit territory.

Afanasiev Denis Aleksandrovich, Deputy Prime Minister of the Astrakhan region, stressed that despite the geopolitical situation, there is a steady increase in freight traffic. Active interaction is being carried out with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turkmenistan, Turkey and other countries. Agricultural and industrial goods are transported from Astrakhan to Turkmenistan, while polypropylene and carbamide are imported to Russia. The nearby countries, such as Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc. are also involved into the cargo transportation. The Caspian cluster was formed in the Astrakhan region involving 2 special economic zones: the SEZ Lotos, IP and the SEZ Portovaya, including Kaspiy, PLC and AgroTerminal Caspiy, OOO. Cooperation in the field of shipbuilding is developing. The implementation of shipbuilding projects was successfully carried out. Such projects as the transport barge “Dagbashi” and the SEFDR “Caspiyskiy Burilshik” were implemented directly for Turkmenistan.

Azizi Nuriddin, Minister of Industry and Trade of Afghanistan, informed that Afghanistan plans to use the North-South ITC to deliver goods to Russia and back along the Caspian Sea, through a port in Turkmenistan, and then through the Russian ports of Olya and Makhachkala.

Bayramguly Tatov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Building Materials of Turkmenistan, noted that today Turkmenistan is carrying out large-scale work aimed at improving the people’s quality of life, building residential complexes, particularly, in the city of Ashgabat with an area of 144 hectares, and creating all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable life. The country is in great need of quality building materials. Currently, there are three cement plants, a marble plant, expanded clay and reinforced concrete plant, and others. The speaker invited Russian companies to develop cooperation in this direction.

Farit Khanifov, the Minister of Transport and Roads of the Republic of Tatarstan said that the movement of goods from North to South is carried out by rail in the Republic of Tatarstan through the city of Nizhnekamsk junction. In 2022, a total of 15.5 thousand tons of cargo was transported. In 2025, it is planned to increase this figure to 17.7 thousand tons, and in 2030 to 19 thousand tons. An integrated approach is needed to solve the problems which arise with the growth of cargo transportation. This requires the coordinated work of the Kuibyshev, South Ural and Volga region railways, which includes the requirement to increase the number of traction locomotives, ensure the timely supply of wagons for products shipment, as well as the increase in the quota for product transportation. It is also necessary to provide predicted volumes of shipped products from shippers, develop the railway infrastructure of enterprises, and increase the capacity of border crossings.

Vasiliy Tsyganov, General Director of VTK Kamaz, noted that his Company is the main partner of the Turkmen motor transport industry. Service centers have been opened in Turkmenistan; and joined efforts will lead to further mutually beneficial economic development.

Ruslan Gainetdinov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Entrepreneurship Development Corporation of the Ulyanovsk Region, said that the Region is working out a direct logistics route within the North-South ITC. During 2022 and 2023, trial rail deliveries to Iran have been carried out along the western and eastern corridor (Inche-Burun). There is a need in developing warehouse infrastructure in Inche-Burun. There exists a demand in such goods as sunflower oil, flour and others in Afghanistan, which could be supplied along this corridor. There is a need to approve certified accredited partners in order to avoid non-fulfillment of obligations for the delivery of goods.