Logistics services. Successful practices

Logistics services. Successful practices

Organizers: Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Directorate of International Transport Corridors, ANO

Venue: the city of Kazan, IEC KAZAN EXPO, Hall 6-7

Time: 18.05.2023, 16:10–17:00

Moderator: Roman Aleksandrov, Chairman of the Coordinating Council, Directorate of International Transport Corridors, ANO


Popov Vladimir Igorevich, Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region;

Kim Konstantin Eduardovich, Director of the Information and Analytical Center for Foreign Trade, ANO;

Andrey Yuryevich Nakhk, Head of a separate division of FESCO Integrated Transport, OOO, Kazan;

Podylov Aleksander Valeryevich, Vice President for Commercial Activities, TransContainer, PAO.

An important effectiveness factor in the construction and operation of international transport corridors is the availability and condition of the logistics infrastructure. The development of the transport and logistics system is closely associated with the creation of a kind of framework, within which the entire industry is formed. Now, when logistics routes have been disrupted, the focus is on creating transport corridors through friendly and neutral countries, searching for new multimodal supply chains. This inevitably entails the need to develop a logistics infrastructure.

Vladimir Popov, Deputy Governor of the Kaluga Region, noted that Vorsino, a multimodal transport and logistics center in the Kaluga Region, is one of the largest dry cargo ports in Russia operating in the format of a Freight Village. The logistics center occupies 570 hectares and is part of the Vorsino Industrial Park. The format of the Freight Village allows uniting production and connecting industrial and service infrastructure with logistics within one complex. Freight Village Vorsino is currently working on the integration of information systems and the complete digitization of data from Russian Railways and the Federal Customs Service.

The participation of the Freight Village Vorsino in the international project New Silk Road made it possible to reduce the time of delivery of goods to the Center of Russia to 14-10 days instead of 60-70 days of transportation by sea.

Konstantin Kim, Director of Information and Analytical Center for Foreign Trade Activity, ANO (ACFTA), told what measures were taken in Russia to solve the problem of importing goods. A year ago the volume of imports in Russia for certain categories of goods decreased by 40-50%. ACFTA, in cooperation with the relevant ministries, developed measures to support import, such as: lowering duties for critically needed products for Russian enterprises, preparing a list of products for parallel import, and concessional lending for priority products. In 2022, the ACFTA Situation Center was created, which helped to deliver goods, which have stuck abroad. Currently, the Situation Center provides support in solving financial logistics problems and searching for alternative suppliers.

Andrey Nakhk, Head of a separate division of FESCO Integrated Transport in Kazan, noted that in September, 2022, the Company launched the first container train of the FESCO Kazan Shuttle regular service along the route Vladivostok port - the city of Kazan, where more than 26 tons of cargo have already been transported on 14 trains. A service was also launched for the delivery of goods to Kazan via Novorossiysk. In 2023, the Company started carrying out air cargo transportation.

Aleksander Podylov, Vice President for Commercial Activities of TransContainer, PAO, noted that the Company is engaged in deliveries by land rail routes and multimodal services. In 2021, the volume of deliveries amounted to about 2.7 million TEUs. The departure of international container lines has opened up new opportunities for the company. TransContainer, PAO is working on integrating of all possible routes of the ITC North-South into its logistics network.