State and Business in Digital Security

State and Business in Digital Security

Venue: Kazan Expo International Exhibition Centre, Business Opportunity Hall 8

Time: May 18, 2023, 14:00–15:20

Moderator: Vladimir Maslov, Director of the Digital Technology Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation


Evgeny Khasin, Deputy Director of the Department of Cybersecurity of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation;

Nikolay Murashov, Deputy Director of the National Coordination Centre for Computer Incidents;

Shavkat Sabirov, member of the National Scientific Council “National Defence and Security,” member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

German Klimenko, Chairman of Board of the Digital Economy Development Fund “Digital Development Fund”;

Igor Ashmanov, President of JSC “Kribrum”;

Semyon Zakharov, Director of Project Implementation Department of PJSC “MegaFon”;

Elina Sidorenko, General Director of ANO “Platforma”.

Accelerated digitalization and widespread introduction of information technologies have escalated the relevance of information security and created prerequisites for the emergence of new risks. In his opening speech to the session, Deputy Director of the Cybersecurity Department of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development Vladimir Maslov stressed that amid the current geopolitical crisis the main condition for ensuring digital security has become the ability to implement and maintain the operability of critical IT infrastructure elements in private and public companies and services based on solutions sourced locally or developed by vendors from friendly countries. It is a unique time of opportunities at the moment, and the development vector shall be changed.

An important factor is the use of partner solutions that respond in real time to threats posing a significant risk for the client. Russia faced and continues to face massive attacks aimed at key digital infrastructure elements; however, it demonstrates that comprehensive and operable domestic solutions exist to protect military, industrial and civilian elements of the IT infrastructure.

The Deputy Director of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development’s Cybersecurity Department Evgeny Khasin believes that digital transformations are a prerequisite for the construction of secure information systems. He informed that the Ministry of Digital Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Federal Security Service work on a project of establishing a national digital cryptography technology centre scheduled to be launched in 2024.

The Deputy Director of the National Coordination Centre for Computer Incidents Nikolay Murashov noted that, because Western companies leave the country, there has been a massive withdrawal of certificates, termination of maintenance and technical support for the earlier supplied software and equipment. An increased number of cyber-attacks on the Russian infrastructure have been reported recently. Nikolay Murashov described the measures taken by the country’s leadership to ensure information security.

Shavkat Sabirov, member of the “National Defence and Security” Scientific Council and the Public Council of the Kazakh Ministry of Information and Social Development, spoke about the Central Asian strategic development vector in the context of digital security. At present, the information field in the Central Asia has remained without Russian content, 100% of inbound traffic to Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan goes through Kazakhstan. He stressed the importance of implementing the Caspian Digital Hub project. Under present conditions, friendly countries need to expand cooperation, strengthen the exchange of positive experience and practices in combating the international information security threats.

The Chairman of Board of the Digital Economy Development Fund “Digital Development Fund” German Klimenko drew attention to the problem of deficit of skilled IT specialists in Russia. In his opinion, digital security can only be ensured by people, and this problem needs to be seriously dealt with.

The President of JSC “Kribrum” Igor Ashmanov is convinced that technological sovereignty shall include a digital component, and Russia can act as a digital sovereignty provider for Islamic countries.

The Director of Project Implementation Department of PJSC “MegaFon” Semyon Zakharov noted that the problem of information security has not originated today; before 2022, 90% of companies in the Russian Federation were prone to cyber-attacks, and 40% suffered significant damage. This forces businesses to respond appropriately to cyber-attacks.

General Director of ANO “Platforma” Elina Sidorenko stressed the necessity to establish data protection practices. At the moment, there are no IT specialists with diplomas in law in Russia. The case solution of cybercrimes is 1 to 1000, and there is a problem of administrative codes in digital sphere. Digital compliance controls must be developed.